Product Loan Program for Media

We want to get our products in the hands of members of the press who can effectively report on our innovations and review our products. We want writers and editors to see, touch and evaluate our products for legitimate news coverage.

Although we request that reviewers observe a standard 30-day loan period, we are flexible and will work to accommodate editorial deadlines and extended media projects. We simply ask that you communicate your need for a loan extension and return the products in the agreed-upon timeframe. This way, we will be able to meet the requests of others on our waiting list.

To request a product to review, please email [email protected].

Media Purchase Program

Only editors and reporters from bona fide news organizations may purchase a selection of our products at a special discount in lieu of, or after, the consignment period. Purchasing requests for our products must be made in writing and must include the following information:

  1. Name
  2. Email Address
  3. Media organization
  4. How You Intend To Use the Product

Third-Party Press Releases

Due to legal, logistical and other business reasons, we strictly limit the practice of drafting or allowing third-party press releases or advertisement testimonials — whether they are issued by us or external business entities. We reserve the right to grant exceptions to this policy.

Garmin Privacy Policies

Garmin’s privacy policies, including information about how Garmin uses, stores and protects personal customer data, can be found at Additionally, Garmin’s security policies can be found at