For The Love of Running


Enjoy this guest blog from Garmin Ambassador Katie Ringley who shares her love and passion for running. 

When you walk out the door or start to lace up your shoes for a run, what’s on your mind? We all choose to move and run for a number of different reasons, but there is nothing like stepping out the doors, running for the pure love of running, and bringing you one step closer to being able to push yourself further than you ever imagined.

When I started running, I wouldn’t call myself a runner, and I definitely didn’t enjoy it. I wanted to be fit, and look fit. Ya feel me? One day I got this crazy hair brained idea that I was going to run a marathon. I looked up training plans, and set to work. I now refer to life before and after the marathon because my life would never be the same. I was in love.

There is something some magical about running. As a marathon runner, you start to question your sanity some Saturday mornings at 5am when you are headed out for a long run, and then within a few miles, the solitude hits. You find peace.

I believe in running because it makes us feel good, and not because it makes us feel bad. I believe in running because it frees my soul.

Every single one of us wants to feel like we are powerful and capable. Running provides that in every form for every single person. Each time that you are going out there, you are competing against yourself for your best time or to go further. When you toe the start of a race, you know that if you can put one step in front of the other, you will cross that finish line. Powerful. Capable. You know that you did what it took, and you took yourself that entire distance. It’s so empowering.

This distance will look very different for many different people, but the important part is reaching the distance that touches you deeply. Don’t just pound on the pavement because you have some pounds you want to lose. That will come naturally if you just let go and love every motion. Each step, you have the choice on whether to have relentless forward motion and our human spirits will always take us there. Our bodies will take us where we decide in our hearts we want to go. It’s such a beautiful thing.

When I first started long runs, I was so nervous and would tell myself “You’ll have to peel me off the pavement before I stop.” Each long run was a test of my strength. Now, it’s like clockwork. I’m not nervous anymore. I know I’m capable. I know that each long run, when I begin to sink in, will provide a solace and euphoria. I know that when I begin a race, at the end of that race, I will have discovered a deeper part of myself then I knew existed by digging deeper than I had before. I know that each time I sign up for further, or commit to going faster, I’m proving to myself more and more that I am literally capable of anything that I set my mind to.

It’s all about perspective. I hope that everyone goes out today, on the week that’s so focused on love, just for the love of running.