On the water with Garmin’s GHP 12 Sailboat Autopilot

The GHP 12 brings Garmin's full-featured marine autopilot technology to the sailing community. This second-generation autopilot is designed for 20- to 70-foot sailboats with linear-actuateGHP 12 d steering systems, and adds a wealth of new capabilities to your vessel. The award-winning GHP 12 is accessed through the GHC 10 helm control unit, which is NMEA 2000 compatible and allows you to share autopilot heading data with other   devices on your network. Sailors will benefit from the GHP 12 as it can support heading hold, wind hold, step turns, tack/jibe and much more, allowing you to attend to your sails and lines without worry. Plus, it does it all with low power consumption! But don't take our word for it.
Recently we had a chance to talk to some sailing experts in the field and here's what one of them had to say about his first experience with the GHP 12 on the water: